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Do you Live your Life or LOVE your Life?

You might not realize it, but this is a huge question...

  Just recently I attended a 3 day conference and we were asked, with a show of hands, how many people actually woke up in the morning thinking


  Out of hundreds, about 6 people raised their hand. How sad is that?

    And it got me thinking. For any of you who know me, I am a really positive thinker and believer.
  But do I do that? And I had to admit – not often enough!!

  So are you putting off ‘loving’ your life? Come on, be honest!

  Maybe you suffer from the ‘if only’ syndrome!
I would love my life … if only I had more money, if only I was thinner, healthier, have more hair, be smarter, if only my kids were doing better, be in a good relationship — I could go on and on. But you know what I mean.

  I’m a very big believer that everything is ‘energy’. We’re like magnets… the energy we put out is what we get back.

  What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for life to be perfect? If so, we could be waiting a very long time and meanwhile, we have missed out on ‘life’! Please don’t do that!

  I want us all to have a life we LOVE, in spite of the reality. Remember, when you change your beliefs and your mindset, everything changes!

  I am now prepared to walk my talk – I am going to wake up every morning and ‘declare’, yes ‘declare’ that I love my life.

Will you join me?

  Is my life perfect? Absolutely not – but it’s getting pretty close, especially when I think of what others are going through right now, and those who never even made it to 70. (taking a trip to India certainly opened my eyes to a different side of life, as well as all the natural disasters that are happening too frequently!)

  I’m asking you to join me in this little experiment – actually I’m not just asking you — I’m pleading, even begging that you take this on — maybe for just a week.

And that is, every morning, when your feet hit the floor, declare ‘I love and appreciate my life’. If you have kids, get them to do it too. This is not for the rest of your life (unless you want it to be) It’s just for a week and fake it if necessary. See what happens and let me know. I’m going to do it too!,

Special FREE Gift
to help and support you

  Studies have traced a range of impressive benefits to the simple act of writing down the things for which we’re grateful — benefits include better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, less dependence on food or alcohol, and more happiness among adults and kids alike. 

  It is incredibly beneficial to establish a daily practice of writing down the moments, encounters, or everyday things that enrich our lives, including the small ones. It’s important to keep in mind the many ways that life supports us. This makes it easier to live each day with greater awareness of life’s gifts that we often take for granted.

  To help and support you, I have created a special Gratitude Journal that I’m giving to you absolutely free.

For Immediate Access CLICK on the Book

I am giving this book to you in Word format
so you can either fill it in online or print it out.
Each page starts with a thought or affirmation
which motivates you in moving forward.

Let me know what you think of this article...can you relate?

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